NCSE blogger Steven Newton had this post a couple of weeks ago. It was a rather bland description of a recent study about the consensus on climate change and he included some whining about the use of the word "skeptic" to denote climate skeptics and Climategate being a fake scandal. So I made a comment that included some quotes by Willis Eschenbach from this WUWT post. It was put in moderation with the option of allowing readers to see the post anyway.
Another commenter liked my comment and suggested that it might soon disappear. I replied that I had made preparations and included a link to this blog. Newton and some of his regulars belittled my blog. I also made a response to a comment by Newton that disappeared from the thread. I asked him if he deleted it and he replied that he didn't know what happened to it. He said as a rule that he was not deleting comments. And he included this quote from Mao: "let a thousand flowers bloom". I responded by reposting my comment and hazarding a guess as to what Mao's moderation policy might be.
NCSE uses the DISQUS commenting system. When you log into your own DISCUS profile, comments that are in moderation will include a red box that says "pending". Deleted comments will have a red box that says "removed".